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執筆者の写真: Naoko SugaNaoko Suga













Maximize your performance

Consciousness makes you fatigued.

The brain, which weighs about 2% of your body weight, uses about 20% of your total consumed energy. When stressed, you consume about another 15% more energy than normal. In a way, it may make sense that on stressful days, we have an irresistible craving for sweets.

The reason we consume energy when we use our brains is that conscious activity requires glucose. For example, chess competitions may be considered as the next Olympic event even though they are not physical sports, because chess is highly perceived in Europe as a mind sport that consumes physical energy.

To become habituated is for the body to move, even unconsciously.

Conscious activity is thought to be the reason why we expend energy and become fatigued as a result. So how can we get our bodies to move unconsciously without thinking?

Most adults eat ramen noodles using chopsticks as a matter of course. They unconsciously move the chopsticks to bring the noodles to their mouths. But when you see an toddler using chopsticks to eat ramen for the first time, it seems like a lot of work.

Where should we spend our energy?

When we experience something for the first time in our lives, our conscious activities become more active and our brains consume more energy than usual. Then, by repeating the same action over and over again, the body unconsciously moves without using the brain, and the brain enters an energy-saving mode. The extra energy saved can be used for other conscious activities, or can be spent on moving the body.

Consciousness gets in the way of performance.

How you expend your limited energy has a huge impact on your performance. When you perform a movement for the first time, you are consuming a large amount of energy, yet somehow it is still awkward. I had exactly that experience when I first tried tai chi as an adult. I was amazed at how quickly the tai chi master next to me was in a flow state, smiling and shifting his weight smoothly. My tai chi was a hindrance to my performance, my awareness was getting in the way of my performance. I had to think of the correct tai chi movement before I could act on it, so my performance was not as good as it could have been. If I had continued practicing tai chi and practiced the same movements over and over again, I might be a tai chi master by now.

Anyone can be a two-way player.

In short, when you want to improve your performance, you will find that it is important to know how to perform without being aware of it. To reach that level, it is a good  to perform the same movement over and over again to strengthen your neural pathways so that you can perform that movement unconsciously, so that your body can move on an unconscious level. This will allow your brain to focus on more creative activities. Before you know it, you may find yourself a two-way player.





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