What about acupuncture without needles?
For those who are afraid of acupuncture, the best choice is acupuncture without needles. Although the stimulation of acupuncture is much weaker than that of needles, they stimulate the skin, thereby regulating autonomic nervous system functions. Although it is called acupuncture, it may be similar in sensation to Anma, which is rubbing of the skin. Although Anma, Massage, and Shiatsu have been established as national licensed therapies separate from acupuncture, they share the same effect of stimulating the skin as non-penetrating acupuncture.
Acupuncture seems painful.
Acupuncture and moxibustion treatment rates are on the rise worldwide, but in Japan they continue to decline year by year. Compared to 10 years ago, the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment rate has decreased by half, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that acupuncture and moxibustion in Japan is now a dying art. The fact that acupuncture and moxibustion are not covered by healthcare services provided at insured medical institutions (medical treatment benefits) is a major factor, but the psychological anxiety that needles are painful is also a significant factor.
Acupuncture for touching and rubbing
There are three major types of acupuncture needles. They are acupuncture with needles, acupuncture without needles, and needles that are taped to the skin. The most typical acupuncture needles are called Go-shin(毫鍼) needles. Go-shin acupuncture needles have thin tips and are the most commonly used type of acupuncture needles. Non-penetrating needles are called Tei-shin (鍉鍼) and often refer to needles with rounded tips that are rubbed or stroked into the skin. Because Tei-shin needles are less stimulating, they are also used as acupuncture needles for children. The sticker is an adhesive plaster-like sticker with needles or sesame-like grains about 1 mm long, which are applied to acupuncture points and stiffness.
Spoons are a great tool for self-care.
Even if you don't use specialized acupuncture needles, such as Tei-shin, you can actually try acupuncture-like treatments on yourself. As part of self-care, you can gently stimulate the skin by simply rubbing or stroking the skin with a spoon instead of an acupuncture needle. Move the spoon slowly as you stroke it, with just enough force to feel gentle and comfortable on the shoulder or back area where you feel stiffness. Unlike needles, acupuncture needles provide soft stimulation and adjustment of the autonomic nervous system.
Circulation improves as Chi(気) circulates.
Skin stimulation alone can also improve blood circulation by relaxing stiff muscles. The appropriate amount of acupuncture stimulation varies from person to person, so enjoy acupuncture without needles as long as the stimulation does not cause pain and just feels good.
It is important to choose the acupuncture needles that are best suited to your individual needs, including acupuncture with or without needles, and sticker needles. A regular acupuncture treatment will help to regulate your body and mind, which tend to fluctuate in this age of the Wind.