That is what makes failure such a joy.
Have you ever tried something you have never done before and failed? Of course, it is totally normal to fail because you are trying something you have never done before. However, if you grow up in a society where mistakes are not encouraged, you tend to feel depressed because your mind is filled with regrets for having failed, rather than praise for having tried. However, it is actually only the oneself who feels this way, and the challenge can be the perfect opportunity for the brain to gain a pleasant sense of accomplishment and happiness.
Growing up makes us more timid about challenges
As we grow older, we become timid about the challenge itself, and we tend to act on what we have already experienced in the past or on past examples that are very similar, so we are less likely to fail spectacularly. This may be an easy option for the brain, but it also makes it harder to find joy and happiness.
In fact, when we challenge the unknown and fail and feel depressed, theta waves increase in the brain and dopamine is also released in large quantities. The brain rewrites its circuits to prevent the same mistake from happening again, so the brain is more active.
For example, when you are trying something you have never done before and an unpredicted situation arises, don't you go blank and panic, and when you think back on it later, your awareness of what you were doing during that time is gone? Then, after a while, when you come to your senses and regain your ability to think, you may be much more excited than before the mistake.
When I was a child, I made a mistake at a piano recital. And I recall that I had no memory of what happened after I made the mistake. But it is also true that after I finished playing the piano, I felt a little sense of accomplishment and happiness.
Failure is the source of success.
When we fail, we think we cannot recover from the shock at the time, but over time the wounds naturally heal. And because of the mistake you made at that time, your brain circuit is rewritten to be more careful and you will not make a big mistake the next time. It is that experience of failure that is the irreplaceable path to success that we would not have had if we had only done the routine work. Failure is the treasure of experiential learning. Think of failure as a valuable experience that produces large amounts of theta waves and dopamine in the brain. Instead of regretting your failures, be grateful for them. Incidentally, theta waves also play a role in stress relief, so you will be relieved of the stress caused by failure.
