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執筆者の写真: Naoko SugaNaoko Suga











A little trick to create the ideal brain

Are we sad because we cry or sad because we cry?

There is a famous historical controversy between the theory that emotions are caused by the brain's perception of the state of the whole body (sad because we cry) and the theory that the brain creates a state, which in turn affects the state of the whole body (sad because we cry). This controversy is similar to the "chicken and egg" theory in essence. Both theories have a point.

Do we laugh because we are happy, or are we happy because we laugh?

It is a bit difficult to consciously create the emotion "sad because I cry. If you ask a person who does not usually shed tears to suddenly cry, tears will not shed immediately. To be able to shed tears anytime, anywhere, I think you need to practice to the extent that you are said to be a great actor.

Even if it is difficult to shed tears, making a happy face can be done with a little conscious effort. Even if it is awkward in the beginning, you can manage to make a smile. The question of whether we smile because we are happy or because we are laughing is like the chicken and the egg, and both are valid arguments. Instead of expressing your emotions with negative feelings such as "crying" or "sadness," try expressing your emotions with positive feelings such as "laughing" or "having fun".

If you are not used to seeing yourself in a good mood, try placing a mirror on the dining table to reflect your unconscious. When you go abroad, there are many mirrored walls, and even if you are not conscious of it, you will undeniably see your own reflection. One rough remedy is to be shocked by the reflection of a grumpy-looking yourself in the mirror, and to be conscious of your grumpy attitude.

"smile" is good, but "sneer" is not.

A little reminder here is the quality of the smile. Be sure to use a good-natured "smile". If you smile in a mocking or mocking manner, it will be considered as a bad-tempered smile, and it will have the opposite effect. It is not a good idea to smile for the fun of it, but be careful not to laugh for the pain of it.

Make your brain in a good mood by incorporating "smile" into it.

A brain that is in a good mood, even if only consciously, will result in high performance. Conversely, in a grumpy mood, the stress hormone cortisol inhibits the brain's hippocampus, resulting in poor memory. Spend a little time in a good mood in your daily life to create an ideal brain that is always in a good state of mind.





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