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執筆者の写真: Naoko SugaNaoko Suga









Make Sleep a Habit

Create a sleep routine.

In order to keep doing something, even unconsciously, we need a mechanism to keep it going. For example, adults go to the bathroom on a daily basis as a matter of course. As infants, they wore diapers, but by the time they enter elementary school, they have completed toilet training and do their business in the toilet. Through toilet training, the body learns to go to the toilet many times, and eventually, when urine is stored in the bladder, the child will go to the toilet naturally. Going to the toilet many times a day as a matter of course is actually a wonderful skill acquired through conscious training in the beginning.

Is there anything you do before going to sleep that you must do before you go to sleep?

The same can be said for going to sleep as for toilet training. As infants, adults used to put them to sleep at night. This was a kind of training, a kind of sleep training by an adult, in which the child learned the skills necessary to fall asleep on an unconscious level. By the time they enter elementary school, they are able to go to bed on their own without having to be put to sleep. However, sleep is often disturbed by the social environment more than by the toilet, and even if a child has been trained to sleep, the routine can quickly become disrupted. Only recently has society begun to recognize that sleep is just as important as toileting, so it is good to use this trend as an opportunity to make sleep a routine once again.

What is "Pavlov's Dog" to you?

Have you ever heard of "Pavlov's dog"? Pavlov's dog" is a psychological experiment in which a dog is fed continuously by ringing a bell, and gradually the dog begins to drool, thinking that only the sound of the bell will produce food. Conditioned reflexes like "Pavlov's dog" are a good method to introduce when you want to make something routine. If you are having trouble falling asleep as an adult, try incorporating your own version of "Pavlov's dog" into your sleep training.

Make Sleep a Reward

Sleep training can be as simple as making a routine of what you want to continue to do in order to sleep comfortably. For example, 30 minutes before bedtime, set an alarm for your favorite song, and when that song comes on, turn off your phone, change into your favorite pajamas, and begin preparing for sleep. That alone is a great sleep workout. In sleep training, distance yourself from digital tools and enjoy the real space. If you view continuing your own personal sleep training every night as a reward for a great night's sleep, your body will unconsciously invite you to a comfortable sleep, just like Pavlov's dog. After that, the sheer joy of sleep awaits you.





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