Covering Sleep Debt with Health Investments
Sleep debt is the concept that daily sleep deprivation accumulates like a debt and be detrimental to health. The reason why adequate sleep is necessary is that sleep is a liability but not an asset. By nature, humans are not to save sleep amount in a saving account, so the best state of sleep is one in which there is zero sleep debt. Once sleep deprivation occurs, sleep debt builds up like a debt, adversely affecting the body and mind. It is human nature that we cannot store sleep.
In today's age of 100-year life expectancy, where the average life expectancy is increasing, it is very important to extend one's healthy life expectancy and to stay in good health. Even if we live longer, it will be difficult to enjoy the benefits of longevity if we only live longer lives in an unhealthy state and with restrictions on our lives. Moreover, if we continue to have trouble getting enough sleep, we will fall into sleep debt, and our asset of health will only diminish.
Therefore, what I would highly recommend as a way of thinking to be aware of in a long-lived society such as ours today is to invest in one's health from the time when one is in an unwell state of health, with compound interest. The more you invest in preventive medicine and health promotion from the time when you are in a state of health before you become ill, the more you will receive the benefits of good health.
Be proactive about investing in your future health from a young age. Understand that the disadvantages of continuing to overwork your body at a young age are greater than they were a decade ago due to the increase in life expectancy. The idea of health investment is like a road trip, to use an analogy. It is easier to understand if you can imagine taking a road trip in your own car. The human body is like a car that cannot be replaced. You might imagine that you would enjoy driving around in the same car for a long time, even if it breaks down, on a journey called life that has a longer mileage than before. And there will be unexpected accidents, such as bumpy roads to drive on or sudden, unexpected traffic jams that leave you without energy to refuel.
Considering this, it is always better to perform thorough and frequent maintenance beforehand to ensure that the vehicle is always in good condition for a road trip than to continue to force the vehicle and have it break down during the road trip and need to be repaired. It is also better to take frequent breaks and avoid putting too much load on the body than to drive without breaks and overheat as a result.
Taking breaks would be replaced by daily sleep in humans. If you take proactive rest periods before your head and body overheat, you will have fewer areas to repair, and as a result, you will be able to move more efficiently. It is for this reason that actively investing in your health from a young age can benefit you with compound interest. Building a society where health investment is the norm will also be the best investment for our future.
