Surviving in a Changing World
Surviving the "Age of the Wind
An era of great change that occurs only once every 200 years is about to begin in earnest. We have moved from the "Age of the Earth," in which wealth and power are valued, to the "Age of the Wind," in which information and intelligence are valued. On the other hand, we are often misled by fake news and manipulated images. Sometimes it is difficult to know what is true and what to believe in the overflowing information. It is precisely because we live in such an era that it is important to have the intelligence to think with your mind.
Foreseeing the coming winds and catching the good winds
When I was young, I sailed on a small yacht with no engine that could accommodate two people. In yacht racing, the key is to read the incoming wind and be the first to catch a good one. When you catch a good wind, even a heavy yacht moves forward smoothly. When I caught a good wind, I felt the wind with my whole body, and it felt very good. However, since wind is a product of nature, its direction and strength are constantly changing, and you cannot control it. You have to be aware of those wind changes and with flexible thinking, you can change the gravity of the yacht by the direction of the yacht and the position you sit in to the wind at that moment. The actual yacht is also affected by waves, so you have to instantly judge the direction you need to go in a more complex situation. The start and finish line are predetermined, but there is no race course to follow. It is up to you to decide which way to turn.
It depends on how you feel.
There are many similarities between sailing and sailing in "the age of wind". What is common to both is that what is necessary to survive in the rapidly changing "now" is your "way of thinking. In order to reach the goal, it is important to have the feeling that you will always move forward while responding to the changes of the moment. In sailing and in life, if you don't have the belief that you will always reach your goal, you will be swept out to sea. You cannot return to a safe place without someone's help.
Great Reforms Start with the First Step
The goal is a distant point, but without a start, neither the yacht nor you can move forward, nor can you get closer to where you want to be. Every major reform in history began with a small first step.
"If you do, it will come to pass; if you do not, it will not come to pass."
These famous words are from Uesugi Takayama, the feudal lord of Yonezawa in the Edo period (1603-1868). If you think it is impossible and make an effort, you will be able to achieve it. On the other hand, if you think it is impossible and do not give up and try, you will never achieve it. In these difficult times, nothing can be achieved if you give up from the very beginning and say, "It's impossible. Are you giving up because young people "don't have the money" or elderly people "don't have the strength"? Whether your yacht will be swept out to sea or reach its goal depends on how you feel. You are the one who will steer the ship in the coming "Age of Wind. Whenever you feel like falling down, please remember the words of Takayama Uesugi.
